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What to eat?


In the villages of rural India, eating isn't just about filling up; it's about giving your body the good stuff it needs. But here's the hitch: not everyone has access to the nutritious mix of foods that make a meal truly healthy.

Think of it like this – imagine your meal is a superhero team. Each food item plays a special role, and together, they make sure you stay strong and healthy. Now, in many villages, getting this superhero team together is a bit tricky. Resources are limited, and not everyone knows the superpowers that different foods bring.

Our mission is simple but powerful: we want to make sure that in at least one village, one person gets to enjoy a meal that's a complete powerhouse of nutrition. It's not about big numbers; it's about making a real difference in someone's health.

So, the challenge is on us to find clever ways to make sure everyone, despite limited resources and low awareness, can have a meal that's a true health hero. Let's cook up solutions that bring the goodness of nutrition to the tables of rural India.

The Challenges

1. How can we ensure access to a variety of nutritious foods in villages where resources are limited?

2. How do we tackle the low awareness about nutrition and help people understand the importance of a balanced, wholesome meal?

3. What metrics can be employed to measure the success of the initiative beyond the number of people reached?

4. How can we develop solutions that respect and integrate with the cultural preferences and dietary habits of the communities in rural India?

5. How do we create solutions that go beyond short-term fixes and foster lasting changes in the nutritional landscape of rural villages?


  1. Accessible Nutrition:

    • Develop solutions that enhance access to a diverse range of nutritious foods in resource-constrained rural villages.

    • Create pathways to make wholesome ingredients readily available, overcoming limitations imposed by geographical and economic constraints.

  2. Empowering Awareness:

    • Implement strategies to raise awareness about the importance of balanced nutrition in simple, engaging ways.

    • Foster a community-driven approach that empowers individuals to make informed choices about the foods they consume and their nutritional impact.

  3. Superhero Meal Adoption:

    • Encourage a shift in perception towards meals as superhero teams, with each food item contributing to overall health.

    • Design interventions that make nutrition education interactive, fun, and culturally relevant, promoting the adoption of well-rounded meals.

  4. Holistic Impact Measurement:

    • Establish comprehensive metrics to measure the success of the initiative beyond the number of individuals reached.

    • Ensure that the impact extends beyond mere statistics, positively influencing the health and vitality of individuals in the targeted villages.

  5. Cultural Integration:

    • Develop solutions that respect and align with the cultural preferences and dietary habits of rural communities.

    • Integrate cultural insights to make nutrition education and meal planning more relatable and effective in the context of local traditions.

  6. Sustainability Beyond Numbers:

    • Implement sustainable practices and interventions that foster lasting changes in the nutritional habits of rural villages.

    • Strive for solutions that go beyond short-term fixes, promoting enduring improvements in the overall health and nutrition landscape.

Judgement criteria

Ideation (30%)
  • Demonstrates a deep understanding of the challenges in rural nutrition.

  • Presents a variety of perspectives and innovative ideas for addressing these challenges.

  • Displays a human-centric approach that considers the needs and preferences of individuals in rural communities.

Innovation (30%)
  • Proposes out-of-the-box solutions for making nutritious foods more accessible.

  • Introduces inventive strategies to raise awareness in a culturally sensitive manner.

  • Demonstrates creative approaches to transform meals into superhero teams, making nutrition engaging and impactful.

Implementation (40%)
  • Presents feasible plans for implementing solutions in resource-constrained environments.

  • Outlines the potential impact of the proposed interventions beyond numerical measures.

  • Shows a commitment to sustainable practices and enduring improvements in the nutritional well-being of rural communities.

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