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What to learn?


In the vast ocean of online learning, finding the right course can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Think about YouTube – you often end up watching the video with the most views, but does that mean it's the best fit for you? The struggle lies in personalization. Although there are numerous open source courses available, users are often left adrift, navigating through choices that might not align with their individual needs.

The heart of the problem is clear: How can we empower learners to curate a personalized learning experience from the abundance of open source courses? It's not just about what's popular; it's about discovering what resonates with each user on their unique educational journey. The challenge is to create a solution that transforms the overwhelming expanse of online courses into a tailored, personalized learning adventure for every user.

The Challenges

1. What strategies can be employed to simplify the decision-making process, ensuring that learners don't feel lost in a sea of options?

2. In a world where popularity often dictates choices, how can we shift the focus from the number of views or enrolments to the relevance and alignment of a course with the user's unique needs?

3. How can we empower learners to take charge of their educational journey, fostering a sense of ownership and personalization?

4. In the pursuit of personalization, how can we prevent learners from being confined to a narrow set of topics or perspectives?

5. In what ways can the platform cater to a diverse user base, considering factors such as language, cultural backgrounds, and different levels of digital literacy?


  1. User Empowerment:

    • Design a platform that empowers users to actively shape their learning experience.

    • Foster a sense of ownership and control, allowing learners to navigate through a diverse array of courses that align with their individual goals and preferences.

  2. Relevance Over Popularity:

    • Prioritize relevance in course recommendations over popularity metrics.

    • Develop a system that guides users towards courses that resonate with their unique needs, even if those courses are not the most widely viewed or enrolled.

  3. Dynamic Personalization:

    • Create a system that adapts to the evolving needs and preferences of individual users.

    • Implement mechanisms for continual refinement of course suggestions, ensuring that the platform remains dynamic and responsive to each user's changing educational journey.

  4. Diverse and Inclusive Learning:

    • Expect a platform that actively promotes diversity in content, preventing users from being confined to a narrow set of topics and perspectives. The objective is to offer a well-rounded and inclusive educational experience.

Judgement criteria

Ideation (30%)
  • Intuitiveness:

    • How user-friendly is the platform? To what extent does it promote ease of use for learners of varying technological proficiency?

  • Engagement:

    • Does the solution encourage active engagement from users? How well does it foster a sense of ownership and control over the learning journey?

  • Accessibility:

    • How inclusive is the design? Does it consider diverse user needs, including language, cultural backgrounds, and different levels of digital literacy?

Innovation (30%)
  • Course Discovery:

    • To what degree does the solution redefine how users discover courses? How innovative are the methods employed to break away from traditional models?

  • Relevance Metrics:

    • How effectively does the solution prioritize relevance over popularity in course recommendations? Is there a novel approach to ensure users find courses aligned with their unique needs?

  • Technological Innovation:

    • Does the solution showcase innovative use of technology to enhance the personalization of learning experiences?

Implementation (40%)
  • Adaptability:

    • How well does the solution adapt to the evolving needs and preferences of individual users over time?

  • Diversity of Content:

    • Does the platform actively promote diversity in content? To what extent does it prevent users from being confined to a narrow set of topics and perspectives?

  • Impact on Learning Outcomes:

    • What potential impact does the solution have on the learning outcomes of users? Is there a measurable improvement in the effectiveness of personalized learning?

  • Scalability:

    • How scalable is the solution? Can it accommodate a growing user base while maintaining the quality and personalization of the learning experience?

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