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Welcome to the Cloud Skills Challenge

The first step towards becoming an MIH member

The Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge is a great way to learn and assess your skills while showcasing them through your Microsoft Learn profiles, plus an entry-point to becoming a local MIH member at VNRVJIET. Being a member means gaining access to many exclusives, listed below. 

Till 15 January 2024

What's in for me?

¹ All the challenges might not contain a certification, only applicable on challenges with certification 


There is no restriction on the number of challenges you're willing to learn!

Check out the challenges in detail below:

Microsoft Fabric 

Learn about Microsoft Fabric, the analytics platform for the era of AI. Connect, ingest, store, and report on data with Data Factory, notebooks, lakehouses, data warehouses, and Power BI. Whether you are a data analyst, data engineer or analytics engineer, Fabric helps you upskill and advance your career.

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